Welcome back Etherborn! We have been hard at work building night and day and now it is time to bring you our next development update. This is a huge update with a major focus on new gameplay. Read on to learn about everything new!
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The Arena is Taking Recruits ⚔️
In December we had our 3rd governance proposal to let the players decide what feature should come next. The result is the new arena mode. Well, your wish is our command, and the new arena mode is now ready with this release!
December Governance Results
In town you will now find the Arena Recruiter. If you have an Arena Key, he will grant you access to the arena where you can compete for riches and glory.
Arena Entrance
Arena Key
Your battle through the arena is broken into rounds. Between rounds you can leave the arena without losing any progress. However, if you leave while a round is in progress that will end your current run.
Arena rounds are broken into sets of 4. For each of the first 3 rounds a new challenge is added. These challenges will add randomized effects which will make your enemies stronger and require you to change your tactics. The 4th round is a boss round with all 3 challenges active. After defeating the boss, the level of enemies increases, and the challenges reset.
Starting and Arena Round
However, you are also equipped with new ways to handle these challenges. Every time that you complete an arena round you will get to choose a new arena bonus. These randomized bonuses will allow you to improve and hone your build differently for every arena run. Bonuses are rolled at different rarities including common, rare, epic and legendary. The higher rarity bonuses provide stronger effects.
Arena Bonuses
Leaderboards and Rewards 💰
With great challenge must also come great rewards. After every 4 rounds of arena battles are completed, you will be rewarded an arena chest of increasing magic find and level. The higher rank you achieve the sweeter your rewards will be. The rewards are granted once the arena run is completed.
Heroic rewards have been reworked to be aligned with rewards for the new arena mode. As a result, heroic quests also now give multiple chests of higher level and magic find based on the tier completed. This means you can now get more than 3 chests for a single heroic run.
Arena chests are not able to earn the Heroic Cache which provides a chance at a large payout when completing Heroic Quests. However, they instead have a weekly leaderboard in which rewards are earned based on your weekly performance compared to other players.
The gems that are used for crafting Arena Keys are also used to pay rewards for the best arena performers. Based on your ranking, you will receive a portion of the gems as well as a randomized set of items rolled at a high magic find value. You can learn about the reward specifics here.
Enjin Early Governance Rewards 🪙
It is not directly related to Etherscape, but if you have been following along with Enjin, then you will know that early governance rewards were snapshotted on January 14th. I hope you all got in on this amazing opportunity. Many people are seeing reward rates greater than 100% return! We will continue to keep you informed about the great opportunities coming for members of the Enjin community. Also, if you are feeling rich as a troll 🧌 with all that Enjin then consider picking up some Imperial Sovereigns to support us!
Enjin Early Governance Rewards
Protections Against Lag 🥶
Etherscape is a fast-paced game with real time combat in which movement is critical to survival. Furthermore, permadeath creates high stakes situations in which higher risk provides higher rewards. This results in a situation in which game latency can become a huge concern. Small amounts of internet lag can result in a very costly death.
With this release, we are adding several different mechanisms to protect against connectivity issues resulting in player death. We are highly committed to making sure every player has a great experience which reflects their actual gameplay performance. You can read in detail about these new systems on our whitepaper.
Ready for Streaming 🤖
With the support of the community, we are now all setup for streaming on Twitch! We are excited to see people start hosting streams and will be randomly jumping on your streams to give away tokens. Also, we allow all content from the game to be monetized through streams which includes the music.
The Etherscape on Twitch
Finding Your Class 🧝
More and more classes are getting added into The Etherscape each with its own unique play style. Some of the classes require you to have a special token. This makes it hard to explore and understand if you want to purchase that token. To solve this, we have added a class browser to our help window. You can now look through all the classes to decide which one you want to try out next.
Class Browser
The Multiverse is Expanding 🌐
Behind the scenes we have been hard at work on new multiverse collaborations. Stay tuned for big announcements in the VERY near future. In this new release we have included two new beats from Fermus. You will enjoy listening to these when doing shoreside and cave quests. Follow Fermus to look for opportunities to earn them for your token collection (and the titles they unlock)!
New Melodies on NFT.io
Wrapping It Up
As you can all see it has been a busy month! We are super excited to see everyone in game and to get your feedback! Who will be the first weekly winner in the arena? If you want to learn more about the specific updates in this build you can check our wiki page here.